
Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly original feature from the Broke and the Bookish.

This week we were supposed to choose ten pairs of authors that we would love to see books from. I’m not sure I’ll get to all ten (though maybe I’ll go back in history and use old authors too), but we may as well give it a shot.

  1. Lauren Willig and Meg Cabot: Both of these writers do amazing chick lit, one definitely more slanted towards the historical side. I could definitely see them bonding over a favorite period in history and then crafting both modern and historical elements into the story.
  2. J.K. Rowling and Patricia C Wrede: These writers infuse such fun and life into their fantasy worlds. Together they could create something captivating with wonderful characters. I’d love to see them write a feisty heroine.
  3. Zadie Smith and Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: These women are so smart and witty. I think that if they got together to write, they’d turn the whole world on its ear with smart, social-conscious, witty prose.
  4. Alan Bradley and Eleanor Catton: These authors seem very different, but I like both of their unique perspectives and the way they handle mysterious elements. I think together they would create a new kind of Gothic novel.
  5. Tina Fey and Amy Poehler: Can’t you see these two writing an amazing graphic novel for young women filled with awkwardness and heart-warming moments?
  6. Diana Gabaldon and George RR Martin: Two great epic fantasy writers unite! And maybe Gabaldon could convince Martin to keep just a couple of likable characters alive.
  7. Gabrielle Zevin and Carlos Ruiz Zafon: Because writers who write about loving books should stick together and write more about books!
  8. Leigh Bardugo and Philip Pullman: They would create such a cool, dark fantasy universe together.
  9. Salman Rushdie and Margaret Atwood: I don’t know why I think these two would work together, but I think this mash up would be really successful. Maybe because they just write such weird things so prettily.
  10. Nicholas Sparks and Stephen King: This one is really just for laughs. They write on such opposite ends of the spectrum, it would be interesting to see what they could come up with together. You know, if they could work together at all.

This was actually not as hard as I expected. The thing is, when you put two creative people who are willing to work together in the same room, amazing things can happen.

Here’s a bonus pairing of deceased writers that I would have loved: Walt Whitman and Oscar Wilde.

What’s a deceased author pairing you would have loved?

3 responses

  1. #10 – LOL! I paired C.S. Lewis and Tolkien on My TTT this week 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. C.S. Lewis and Tolkien are so perfect!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I love Patricia Wrede, haven’t thought of her in a while!


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